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Renewing Your RSA Certification: When, Why, and How?

19 July 2024

Wondering whether you need to renew your RSA certification? This guide will help you navigate the requirements and steps for RSA renewal across different Australian states and territories, ensuring you stay compliant and continue to serve alcohol responsibly.

Key Takeaways

  • Renewing your RSA certification is essential for legal compliance and maintaining eligibility for hospitality roles, with each Australian state and territory having distinct renewal requirements.
  • RSA certification ensures responsible alcohol service, minimising the risks associated with over-serving and intoxication, which enhances both safety and the overall customer experience.
  • While some states have indefinite RSA certification periods, others require periodic renewals or refresher courses, emphasising the importance of staying informed and compliant with the latest regulations.

Understanding RSA Certification

Obtaining a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate is a requirement for anyone serving or selling alcohol in Australia; a standard set to ensure that those behind the bar are well-versed in the legalities and moral responsibilities that come with pouring a drink.

The RSA certificate is not just a piece of paper; it’s the result of comprehensive training that equips hospitality workers with the knowledge and skills to:

  • Serve alcohol responsibly and safely
  • Prevent over-serving
  • Reduce liability
  • Enhance customer experience

How Long Does an RSA Last?

Much like a fine wine, your RSA certification doesn’t have an infinite shelf life. It varies across the country, with each state and territory setting its own expiry date and renewal requirements. This can sometimes confuse even the most seasoned hospitality veterans. Staying current is always recommended, regardless of the expiry requirements in your state.

State-Specific RSA Renewal Requirements

Renewal requirements aren’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. Whether it’s an online refresher course, in-person training, or a simple renewal reminder, staying in-the-know of these requirements is as important as knowing your cocktails.

Let’s explore the renewal requirements, state by state, so you can keep serving responsibly and with confidence.

Renewing RSA in NSW

In New South Wales, RSA competency cards come with a 5-year validity, and when the clock runs out, it’s time for an online renewal through an RSA refresher course. The only provider for this refresher in the state is Liquor & Gaming NSW, ensuring a streamlined and standardised process.

Remember, the refresher course is a must within 28 days before or after your certificate’s expiry date, giving you a grace period to keep your credentials in check.
Find out more about renewing your competency card.

Renewing RSA in VIC

Victoria plays by slightly different rules. Here, your RSA certificate doesn’t technically expire, but don’t let that lull you into complacency. A refresher course is a must every 3 years to stay compliant with the standards set by Liquor Control Victoria and the expectations of licensed premises.

Neglect this, and you’ll find yourself back at square one, needing to complete a new RSA training course to regain your certification.
Learn more about the Victorian RSA refresher course.

Renewing RSA in QLD

Queensland offers a more relaxed approach to RSA certification. Once you’ve completed the Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol course, your RSA certificate is yours to keep – no expiry, no renewal. But don’t let that deter you from staying sharp. Regular online refresher training courses, though not mandated, are still recommended to ensure that your responsible service knowledge is always up to scratch.

Renewing RSA in WA

Currently in Western Australia, there is no expiration date for your WA RSA certification. While there’s no official renewal requirement, keeping your skills refreshed is in your best interest, especially as employer requirements can vary from one venue to the next.

Renewing RSA in SA

Under current South Australian legislation, there’s no expiry date for your RSA. Once you have your SA RSA certification, it remains valid – no expiry date to circle on your calendar. This permanence means one less thing to worry about, but it doesn’t mean one should become lax in their knowledge of responsible service.

Renewing RSA in NT

In the Northern Territory, legislation requires that hospitality professionals must revisit and refresh their RSA skills every 3 years, through NTrefreshRSA. If you have an RSA certificate that expires soon, you can do the refresher course for free.

Renewing RSA in TAS

Tasmania’s RSA certificates do not have an expiry date. But it’s always wise to engage in refresher training, ensuring that your knowledge of responsible alcohol service remains up to date.

Renewing RSA in ACT

In the ACT, RSA certification does expire. Every three years, it’s time to complete an RSA renewal course online and ensure that your knowledge is as sharp as the cut of a fine suit in a bustling Canberra establishment. Access All Areas Training delivers an ACT RSA Refresher course online.


Even in states where refresher courses aren’t a requirement, complacency could leave you lagging in a rapidly evolving industry.  Being informed isn’t merely a legal obligation, but it also mirrors your dedication to responsible alcohol service and community protection. It’s a matter of taking initiative, be it enrolling for an online refresher course, staying updated with the latest regulatory changes, or maintaining contact with authorised training providers. Remember that an up-to-date RSA certification is your trusted companion in the industry!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any states in Australia where RSA certificates do not expire?

RSA certificates in Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, and Tasmania do not expire and do not require renewal.

What are the consequences of not complying with RSA regulations?

Not complying with RSA regulations can lead to penalties like fines and license suspensions for individuals and establishments serving alcohol. Be sure to adhere to these regulations to avoid these consequences.
