Licensees, Unrestricted Approved Managers, Duty Managers
The Department of Local Government , Sport and Cultural Indiustries (DLGSC) is responsible for administering the Liquor Control Act 1988 and promoting the integrity and lawful liquor activities within Western Australia, deem this a requirement to hold one of the above positions.
This course has been developed to assist West Australian Licensees and Managers of Licensed premises in demonstrating their compliance with the mandatory knowledge requirements as specified by the DLGSC
Evidence of your prior RSA training must be submitted before we can issue your Approved Managers certificate.
Before starting this course you need to have completed either of the following units: SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol or the new SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
Click here to purchase the Alcohol Bundle WA which includes RSA if not already completed
The Approved Managers certificate provides sufficient evidence of training for you to apply for an Unrestricted Approved Managers ID card through the The Department of Local Government , Sport and Cultural Indiustries
All licensed premises must have an Approved Manager on duty at all times during business hours
All Approved Managers must produce their Approved Manager ID card as evidence of training and approval by the The Department of Local Government , Sport and Cultural Indiustries
Application for your Approved Manager ID card must be made online and it is recommended that you download the Approved Manager Lodgement Guide to assist your application process
DLGSC charges apply for issuance your Approved Manager ID card.
At AAAT we very proud of the business we have built, and wanted to let you know why we think we are different to the other training companies.
If you chose AAAT for your training you will get;
Your own online training account where you can store and access your accreditations and course material. You can keep this access even after you have finished for future reference
Engaging content via a genuine on-line learning environment (not just boring old PDF or PowerPoint slides!)
A training and assessment team with a strong history in the hospitality industry. We only provide training for the Hospitality Industry.
A team focussed on making your learning work for you and getting you the accreditation you need as soon as possible. We have helped over 60,000 students get their training accreditations.

Perhaps, our clients say it best….
Having been in the hospitality industry for over 35 years and due to the requirement to move interstate and internationally I’ve been required to complete a range of RSA courses. The Access All Areas training programme is one of the best training modules I have completed
Mike, General Manager Resort Hotel, TAS
Just a quick email to mention how Alicia was exceptional with me today. She helped me throughout my RSA NSW online course and even stayed after work to make sure I would get my certificate -she saved my job and deserves the ''employee of the month''
William, NSW
I really appreciated the videos to make the situations more realistic. I also appreciated the 2nd and 3rd opportunities to get the answer correct rather than just being rejected as unsuccessful. It was also extremely helpful to know you were just a phone call away when I got really stuck.
Robyn, SA Vineyard
The Access All Areas RSA training programme was convenient and uncomplicated. The system was easy to navigate through and their customer service was excellent.
Mark, NSW
Delivery and Assessment summary
MLPLCA001 - Manage Legislative Responsibilities for the Sale, Supply and Service of Liquor.
This is a core unit of the 52863WA – Course in Management of Licensed Premises is designed for Western Australia in line with Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) guidelines and provides participants with sufficient evidence of training competence to apply for an Approved Manager ID card in WA. This unit is a nationally recognised unit of competency
This course suitable for learners who:
Are experienced within the industry and wish to move into management roles.
Require industry accreditation.
Prefer to complete an online program in their own time.
Are about to move into a role which requires supervision within a licensed premise.
Explannation and Topics covered
Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, in Western Australia, individuals seeking to own, operate and/or manage licensed premises are required to hold a liquor licence. To be eligible for a liquor licence, applicants must successfully complete a course of training or assessment, approved by the Director of Liquor Licensing. The requirements of the course reflect the legislation in ensuring that individuals have the required competencies in relation to businesses that operate under a liquor licence.
These competencies include:
Interpreting and applying legislative requirements to business practice.
Planning business activity for a regulated environment.
Supervising the responsible service of alcohol.
Monitor and maintain licensing conditions.
You are required to have SITHFAB021 - Provide responsible service of alcohol. (formerly SITHFAB002)
This unit applies to an individual who is the legally responsible person (either licensee or manager) and must operate in accordance with the conditions of the liquor licence they have approval for. In Western Australia it is a mandatory requirement for staff involved in management duties to have completed the MLPLCA001 unit.
Amount of training
The amount of training required for the program could take the learner up to 6 - 8 hours to complete.
Amount of assessment
The amount of assessment required for the program could take the learner up to 2.5 hours to complete.
EVidence gathering
Evidence gathering techniques will be achieved from the following:
Individual assessments.
Practical application and demonstration of skills
Feedback and questions during the program from the trainer
Multi choice questions
Free text responses
Video Verification
Assessment tools
The assessment tools used by our RTO include the following components:
The context and conditions for the assessment
Brief to the learner
Brief for the assessor
The tasks to be administered to the learner
An outline of the evidence to be gathered from the learner
Judgement and observational tools
Videos of real-life situations
Interactive scenarios
Marking guides
1. Knowledge Assessment
The knowledge assessment refers to the quizzes contained throughout the course which are found at the end of each module, each question must be answered correctly to enable you to proceed to the next module. If an incorrect answer/s is submitted you will be automatically taken to the beginning of the module to re-read content and re-answer the incorrect question/s
2. Free Text Assessment
This assessment includes short answer questions that must be answered correctly and in your own words. It is an online written assessment which requires AAAT assessors to mark answers, which means that you do NOT receive your certificate immediately, however we aim to assess as soon as possible, generally, within two (2) business days
3. Video - Verification and Authenticity
You will be asked to provide one (1) mini videos
The Video:
Hold your ID so the camera (your phone) can clearly view all details
Then with your face visable state your full name, date of birth and address &
Answer the question
Upoad the video
FEEDback and completion
Upon submission of your Verification and Authenticity Video, a Trainer and Assessor will review your work. If any of you answers or videos do not meet requirements, feedback will be sent to you. Please read through this carefully, review the learning material and resubmit your work.
Please allow two (2) working days for assessment.
If you are marked as correct and email will be sent to you.
If your work does not meet requirements, more feedback will be sent to you.
Incorrect answers after your third attempt will be acknowledged as a failure and you will have to undertake the course again.
Assessment is conducted through our learning portal and by our qualified trainers
All your learning resources including food standards, videos, legislation, and safety guides, are available on your learner portal.
Assessment material is online, though some items may be downloaded.
Equipment such as measuring devices and signage will be utilised by the learner via the simulated workplace environment process. The learner must utilise the following equipment in part 3 of the workplace industry simulated environment (WISE) phase.
Measuring devices
Alcohol containers
Appropriate serving glasses
Industry workplace equipment necessary for the operation of bar service such as tongs, bottle openers etc
Clock to highlight time of service
House Policy
Non-alcoholic alternatives such as water
Option to purchase food from a food menu