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How to Find a Job in Australia: Your Guide to Landing a Job in Hospitality

2 May 2024

Wondering how to find a job in Australia? The hospitality or "hospo" industry could be your best bet. From bustling city restaurants to tranquil resort hotels, Australia's varied hospitality landscape demands a wide range of roles, certifications, and for international hopefuls, visa clearances.

This guide aims to provide you with valuable tips to help you successfully make your way through the hospitality industry job market in Australia.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify a hospitality role that fits your skills in Australia's growing industry, with full-time, part-time, and casual employment positions available to choose from.
  • Improve your job prospects by obtaining essential certifications like RSA, creating a standout resume, and becoming proficient in the application process.
  • Leverage job search engines and industry-specific training to navigate the competitive job market and secure a hospitality job in vibrant Australian cities or regional hotspots.

Exploring Hospitality Opportunities in Australia

According to Statista, at the end of 2023's financial year, there were over 54,000 cafés and restaurants in operation across Australia. That number increased steadily from approximately 41,000 businesses in 2017 to over 54,000 in 2022. Australia's hospitality industry continues to expand, from the vibrant nightlife of Sydney and the bustling eateries of Melbourne to the coffee shops and casual cafes on Perth's coast, hospitality roles are as varied as the cities themselves.

Identifying Your Ideal Hospitality Role

Before you start your journey in the hospitality sector, determining the role that aligns with your skills and interests is the first step. Australia's hospitality industry is vast and varied, with roles including:

  • Food and beverage service staff
  • Bartenders
  • Cooks and chefs
  • Caterers
  • Kitchen stewards
  • Food retail workers
  • Winery, brewery and distillery cellar door staff
  • Security staff who monitor customer behaviour

Understanding Employment Types

Once you've identified your ideal role, the next step is to understand the types of employment available. Australia offers a variety of employment types, including:

  • Full-time roles: These offer stability with regular hours and benefits.
  • Part-time roles: These offer similar benefits scaled to the working hours.
  • Casual positions: These cater to a broad work-seeking audience and offer flexibility in terms of working hours.

For those seeking new jobs with flexibility, casual employment could be the perfect fit, offering a higher pay rate within a certain salary range to offset the lack of regular hours and paid leave.

Where to Find Hospitality Jobs in Australia

Australia's hospitality sector is thriving, with opportunities spanning across popular cities and regional hotspots. Some of the top cities for hospitality jobs in Australia include:

  • Sydney, NSW
  • Melbourne, VIC
  • Brisbane, QLD
  • Perth, WA

Consider other popular tourist destinations as well like the Gold Coast in Queensland, Byron Bay in New South Wales, or wine regions like Margaret River in Western Australia.

International Applicants: Securing a Work Visa

For those who have recently arrived or are applying from overseas, obtaining a work visa is the initial move towards securing a job for foreigners in Australia's hospitality industry.

The type of visa you may get will depend on how long you want to stay in the country and whether you have a passport from an eligible country or jurisdiction.

Visa Options for Hospitality Workers

Several visa options are available for hospitality workers. From Work & Holiday visas to Temporary Skilled or Graduate work visas and Student visas, each has its own benefits and requirements.

For more visa options, check out the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs Visa Finder.

Preparing for Your Australian Hospitality Career

Ready to start preparing yourself for your career in Australian hospitality? From getting the right working visa and acquiring essential certifications to building a resume that stands out, every step counts towards landing a job in Australia's hospitality sector.

1. Obtain Essential Certifications to Boost Employability

Acquiring specific certifications can help to boost your employability. The Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is a common requirement for many hospitality roles in Australia. Obtaining a Certificate in Food Safety can also open doors to a wide range of positions.

As a nationally accredited training provider, Access All Areas Training offers a range of courses to help you secure these essential certifications, providing you with the edge you need in this competitive industry.

2. Build a Winning Resume & Cover Letter

A tailored resume can make your profile stand out in the hospitality job market. Use a simple design and limit your resume to two pages, focusing on the last five years of relevant work experience.

Your cover letter is your opportunity to tell your unique story. Begin with an attention-grabbing opener, showcase notable achievements and your unique strengths, and maintain a professional yet personal tone throughout.

3. Engage in a Job Search

Equipped with a compelling resume and necessary certifications, you can now navigate Australia's job market. Job search engines, online job boards, and networking opportunities are invaluable resources for finding the ideal hospitality job.

Some of the most popular job search sites in Australia are:

4. Make a Strong Impression in Interviews

Interviews are your chance to shine. Dress professionally, arrive early, let your personality come through, and ask insightful questions about the role and company culture.

Professional etiquette is key during interviews. A proper handshake when greeting the interviewer, waiting to be invited to sit, and ensuring your phone is turned off all signal respect and professionalism.

Using the interviewer's name at the close of the interview helps to make a lasting, personal impression.


Australia's hospitality industry offers a plethora of opportunities for both locals and international job seekers. With the right preparation, skills, and attitude, you're well on your way to landing your dream hospitality job down under!
