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Archive for May 2024

How Do I Get an RSA Certificate: A Helpful Guide

2 May 2024 Are you thinking about getting your RSA to work in Australia's hospitality industry? This helpful guide will break down how to get an RSA certificate in straightforward steps. From satisfying your state or territory specific training requirements to maintaining your RSA certification, we provide the clarity you need on the ...

Food Safety in Australia | Importance of Food Safety Courses

2 May 2024 Australia's commitment to food safety is reflected in rigorous food regulation and certification requirements, but food poisoning remains a concern. A 2022 study on The annual cost of foodborne illness in Australia by Food Standards Australia New Zealand and the Australian National University, estimated that foodborne illnesses cost Australia over ...

How to Find a Job in Australia: Your Guide to Landing a Job in Hospitality

2 May 2024 Wondering how to find a job in Australia? The hospitality or "hospo" industry could be your best bet. From bustling city restaurants to tranquil resort hotels, Australia's varied hospitality landscape demands a wide range of roles, certifications, and for international hopefuls, visa clearances. This guide aims to provide you with valuable ...